“The healthcare postcode lottery”, “rationing”, “patient choice” and “access to medicines and services” have become familiar terms in recent years. As a result, it has become an imperative for many of our clients to better understand how the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) (and opposite numbers in the devolved nations), operates; how access decisions are made at national, regional and local formulary level; and how manufacturers, patients and health professionals can engage with those processes.
HJCL has unrivalled experience of UK health technology appraisals (HTAs), processes and market policies and processes, working on more than 50 HTAs across 15 different therapy areas in a project management, submission-writing, training and/or communications capacity. Our other market access services include business case development; writing formulary packs; organising and facilitating clinical and payer advisory boards; public health projects; training courses and seminars.
To see how we put this into practice, please see our case studies section.